February 27th, 2015
activity from the "Teach Me To Do It Myself," a Montessori book by Maja
Pitamic. George liked this activity very much, and was very good at it.
He did spill quite a bit with tipping the bowls, but I had that in mind
and the baking sheet worked beautifully... though it still got out of
that too! ;) It's best to do this activity in the kitchen and not on
carpet if working with water with food coloring in it! All the activity
consists of, are two containers, one with an object (such as water,
beans, beads), and a something like a spoon to transfer the object
(water) from one container to the other. George liked to make it more
complicating as he went along by using two spoons and pouring from one
spoon to another and also pouring straight from one bowl to another.
Let's just say his hands are purple now, but it was fun and I was able
to get some laundry done in the process. Looking forward to trying some
more activities in the book! Thank you Sis for handing your books
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