Supermoon lunar eclipse 2015

It was awesome, a total lunar eclipse! George, Emilie, daddy and I were able to all see it! First we were all in the hot tub and missed it starting, but then Scott looked around the tree blocking our view and discovered it was in full eclipse. It was fully covered in shadow and a rusty orange red. George seemed to understand our explanation of what was happening (how the moon gets light from the sun, and how the earth was getting in the way). I was also able to get a good picture of George, though only after bribing him with candy! Though the picture of the moon isn't "great," it's far more spectacular than I was imaging I'd be able to take! I'm so scared of copy rights (though it really doesn't stop me), so I decided to take my own picture. And to think! This is the first full eclipse in my life so far! The last full eclipse was in 1982 I read. Well, it was pretty exciting, even if it was a little erie ;) So awesome, I'm glad we were able to see it. :)
