Smile, caught on camera!

"The Smolder" (reference: Movie "Tangled".)
Emilie caught picking her nose for the first time at Ikea.
George finding daddy's cowboy hat and boots...
Emilie getting her way (she was bursting in tears while in the sling on the sky-ride at Sea World).
Rand Paul finally getting the upper hand on Trump and Cruz ;)

Okay, so it’s been awhile (again) since I blogged, so I thought I’d treat everyone to the best/funniest pictures of the week!

At the moment we’re having some crazy weather up in the mountains. In our area, we’re getting around 80 mph winds with a High Wind Warning. We’re also getting a clump of Severe Thunderstorms with massive rain (which will turn to snow by tomorrow morning). They’re recommending that everyone stay on their first floor in the center of the house in case windows brake or trees fall into your house. Pretty gnarly, huh? Well, the goats are alive and the chickens are doing fine (though looking out the window we saw one outside, and it had it’s butt in the air with it’s beak in the corner… might need to get that one…). As for us, no power outages yet.

Updates for family, I have a goal of writing at least every Sunday so stayed tuned. If I don’t write till then, don’t worry, we’re most likely still alive ;) I better submit this blog before the power goes out… Love to all :)
