Emilie's Potty training success!

Emilie has had tremendous success on her second day today with an incredible leap. Waking up, I put her on the potty, and ever since then Emilie has done gone all by herself without any alarms or prompts! I’ve asked her if she’s needed to go of course, completely shocked, but she’s said no most times (of course) and just goes when she’s ready. We had to do a Walmart trip today and get Scott’s blood drawn for testing, and she had no accidents on the hour drive down, even with a nap! We made sure she had no liquid starting an hour before going, and left with a pee break before we went! We only had to pull over twice on the when she needed to pee (but not really it turned out!). I’m really shocked with after how much work I did yesterday with three minute timers, and now with today, without really having to do anything! It’s safe to say Emilie is potty trained, and now it’s just for the follow through and the rest is on me! No accidents, two poops in the potty... Girls really are easier to train! I’m sure it has to do with the child too, but goodness gracious! Here’s for Emilie, our 25 month old girl trained! Great job Emilie!
