George on a Pedal Bike

George taking off on his new bike!

Yesterday, George got to try out his new $3 pedal bike from a local thrift store and took off right away! That balance bike we got him not too long ago really made the difference, and he didn't need to be shoved down a hill at all with risk of peril! I'm so proud how he stuck with his balance bike, leaned how to balance and practiced, and now he can ride! Above is a video we took of him within the first hour of hopping on his new bike. Looks like learning how to ride a bike doesn't have to be painful after all! I remember the good old days when my best friend had to push me down a hill on her over sized bike to teach me how to ride.... Gosh, I don't miss the screaming! ;)

Today we had our friends over who needed sitting and had a really fun time. I made Dragon Berry Pizza (picture below), which I learned to make from Jackie (Scott's cousin), and it was a hit of course! The best part is it's so easy to make, and tastes soooooo good! Just sugar cookie dough, cream cheese blended with 1/4 C sugar and a teaspoon vanilla, and topped with cut berries! After a long hike, we had the Dragon Berry Pizza for a treat and then had some quieting down time with a few episodes of Star Wars Legos (Freemakers).

Emilie also appears to love to copy Nana and I, because she just can't help carrying around a phone or popping open a computer to join in in our quests of blogging or looking up something on the world wide web. I guess they really do copy everything you do! May have to readjust my phone and computer time! Yep, it's been a good day. Now it's off to make dinner and get the laundry going!

Emilie trying to get a taste of dragon berry pizza

Nana and Emilie on their computers
