Emilie's Talkative self

As we drove home from picking Scott up from the airport from his week long business trip, Scott and I talked the whole way while the kids were quietly asleep in the back. As we made the turn onto our road however at 2am, Emilie suddenly jumped into our conversation with such lively excitement, going on and on about her rocket ship meeting daddy's airplane and about a motorcycle I've never known she's had in some mysterious tunnel. Scott and I looked at each other in complete shock as Emilie just talked away as fast as a bullet and as bright as a daisy, and wondered how long she sat back there in silence listening to us! We both knew she was up for the night... I hardly remember what ended up happening, because I was just so tired and had to go to bed, but I remember Scott turning on Team Umizoomi on our laptop and putting her between us in bed. Before we went to sleep however, I got some recordings of Emilie in her talkative state. Even though she calmed down a little by the time I started recording, you can still hear her talkative self. So, if Emilie's been holding out on you and shy, you can hear what she's like when she's holding nothing back in the video below! The video is small, but you can make it full screen or go to my youtube channel to see it there by clicking here.

In the background, you'll also see Scott trying to fix our heater and AC (which totally spazzed out on us). The AC quit working and the heater wouldn't turn off if it was plugged in. Quite crazy, but Scott got the AC to work again, at least for the night, before it broke down again this morning. With high 80's, you can imagined how I freaked out when the air vents stopped blowing in air conditioned air and started pumping in hot air just the day before! I knew I could count on Scott to fix it, because he'd literally die without AC and it's one of our top assets! Unfortunately, it's completely broken now, but Scott figured out a possible cause, so he'll get it fixed when we get back. We never let outsiders do the work we can do, because they always end up breaking things and making it all worse (why do they get paid so much?). Well, enjoy the video. :)
