Playground day & Tree skills

Yesterday, we got a little stir crazy and decided to go to the park. It was actually George's idea while we were playing in the van and I was trying to get in a page from my latest book "Children are from Heaven" by John Gray.

Well, we got there, but there weren't any kids. That was fine by me (since I can feel so shy and lack in communication skills), but poor George was let down a bit. That didn't stop us from having fun though! George got me to put down my book, and since Emilie was sleeping for a good time in her carseat in the shade, George and I had a fun time of playing. He really likes playing, especially with someone else! I really need to find a good play group, since our last one up here fizzled out, sadly. George still get's socialization, but not as much as would be good for him or as much as he would like. We have trade off baby sitting with our good friends down the hill, and of course have church every Sunday with Nursery (and next year George will be a Sunbeam and start Primary! So exciting! He'll be so cute with his little friend Hannah going into Sunbeams :)), but I need to branch out and find some good friends. Need to bust out that "anxiety and socialization book" that my mom gave me. It was really interesting though, when the last twenty minutes at the playground came, and a few families stopped by to play before leaving for dinner, something happened. I got nervous, off foot and didn't know how to break into a conversation with them. I said a short prayer, and then Heavenly Father helped me look to the big waving trees, lit by the sunlight. He then gave me the thought that, like those big beautiful trees, I didn't need to say anything, but just be. Be me, be in the moment, and be beautiful me and glitter in the sunlight. That gave me so much peace inside me. I think that is the first step for overcoming anxiety and socialization... being comfortable without saying anything. I never thought myself uncomfortable without saying anything, but I was! So for those 20 minutes the families were there, I practiced being comfortable, glittering in the sunlight. I fell off the train of thought quite a few times, but I did well, and George and Emilie had fun too! :)
