How much does George's favorite toy cost?
seems my children prove to me again and again that it's not the fancy
toys that are the funnest and that can captivate them for hours on end,
but the simple ones that engage learning and let the imagination soar.
George's new and most exciting toy is a rubber tire that use to help
wheel the goat/dog kennel around the yard until the attachments broke
off. I'm pleased to say that this is now my favorite toy too as
well! George giggled and grin for over an hour as he rolled this simple
tire down the driveway and down our hills... and he eventually got me
to participate along with him! Not only was it so fun, but this was a
whole science project on physics as well as a physical workout
for a little boy, going up and down, up and down a steep hill to get his
wheel. The tire is about half a pound or more itself, and when I
started playing it along with him, he had me carry it up the
hill (and I had Emilie to carry too, strapped on). I much like the goats
as an excuse to go outside, because I'm really not physically up to par
and wouldn't go out otherwise! Standing around for an hour twice a day
as our goats get free range to browse is actually quite exhausting. Most
people aren't carrying their 25 pound little one, strapped to them in
80 degree plus weather, but hey. Anyway, as the goats browsed, we had
the time of our lives rolling this silly tire down the hill, and boy was
it fun!
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