Potty Training, Third Times a Charm
here we go again! The Bamboo cloth diapers were working well, but after
some microfiber inserts we needed a day or two of disposables and the
idea of potty training presented itself once again. So, we began the
journey, but no more 3 Day pant-less potty training! The first times
there was to much grabbing, and I really didn't want to go through that
again, so this time we did it "Mary style"... Underwear, a potty nearby
with hand sanitizer, and a timer on my phone for every 20 minutes (every
10 if he's actively drinking). How did I get my timings? Trail and
error people, trial and error. Who wouldn't start with every half hour,
it's just so perfect!... until there's an accident every time just after
the 20 minute mark!!! Anyway, the training is seeming to go well.
George is getting the drill and is doing very good at sitting on the
potty. I tell him that he can play again after, but that it's potty
time, and he does such a good job. His communication skills have
improved, so it's easy with understanding him and makes the whole
process easier, and he can pull up his underwear up himself too so this
is self sustainable. Anyway, the roughest part is past and we're all in
for the ride. Wish George a happy potty training! Maybe he'll be fully
trained before his third birthday coming up too. :)
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