Happy Fall Halloween!
Halloween was a bit different this year! Instead of Trick or Treating,
we went to Walmart, loaded up with our favorite candies and a Boston
Cream cake and took it home to celebrate. We started off with a big
feast of Tilapia fish, homemade sour cream mashed potatoes, and Fresh
& Easy’s blend of delicious assorted veggies. After we
stuffed ourselves (and let George eat his full and also at
required least half a bowl of veggies if he
wanted candy), we headed upstairs to celebrate! George was very excited
as he helped me bring the big heavy bag of candy upstairs (he actually had to have me help him it was so heavy)!
After opening our party upstairs with a little prayer, we watched
Studio C’s Halloween special and laughed ourselves silly and
afterwards rented the movie Tomorrow Land. Having a "no restrictions on
candy" night with movies and chatting was really fun, and I think we’ll
do it again! With a big special meal before hand, George didn’t eat as
much as I was worried he would too. Costume wise, George dressed up as a
dragon (though he only wanted to wear it at the beginning of the day),
and Emilie dressed up as a fairy princess. Nana had her eye surgery on
her other eye the day before, but luckily was feeling well enough to
join in the festivities. We had such a fun time, and I think the kids
will love to have this tradition stay going! The meal was seriously as
much work as thanksgiving with doing it by myself with two crying upset
children, but I must say it was totally worth it... though I did end up
cracking under the pressure and ended up playing "un moto di gioja" (an
emotion of joy), a 1 minute and 51 second song, over and over and over
again. When Scott walked in from working in the garage, he didn't say a
word about it. He must of known I was on the fringe of crazy there.
Well, the dinner ended up great and we all lived, so I'll call the night a success! ;)
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