Sunday Post

Emilie in her church dress, playing with the glass door/window
Sometimes I just have such a hard time with getting myself to get on my computer to write. I try to make a point to at least write one day a week though if I can. A shame it isn't more, because my little ones are constantly giving me things to write about!

George has grown in stature and in intelligence. Emilie has grown a new tooth along with her blossoming personality and humor filled nose-wrinkled grin (No, she doesn't have her 3rd tooth, apparently her second tooth (bottom right) never actually broke though, I could see the whiteness of it though her gums since the time her first tooth (bottom left) came in though!).

What else is new?...

Oh! Emilie has now mastered the "G.I. Joe" crawl within these past two weeks and now has full roam of the house... slowly at least! I am so amazed that 8 months has already gone by (I blame it going so fast since our family has two kids now. With your first it goes so nice and slow!). Emilie is bubbling with personality and is so sweet with her nose wrinkling grin! I love you, Sweet Emilie <3

With George, he has been growing into his own little person. More independence, opinions of his own (positive, but sometimes feels like a negative!), and also growing in language communication skills (he's starting to speak Martian too, which is hard for me and I'm seeing him mentally cut me off as I offend his Martian side. Amazing huh? It apparently hits at around age 3, people! Time to whip out Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.). Today at church, he has mastered "I'm good" and then the critical "how are you?!" for the first time, after an adult asks him how he is! I am so proud of him! Several people have commented how impressed they are with his manners and have said how surprised they are that he knows how to talk to adults (with what English he knows)! I'm pretty happy that my main emphases on manners and respect, at home, are paying off (we focus deeply on church gospel principles in our home, manners and being kind, family reading, and play). I've put a lot of work into this! George is also such a sensitive sweetheart too, which helps :) I love you, George <3

One more thing that's new with George is that we have moved his bed from right beside ours to our window (see pic below). During a meteor shower, we thought it was the perfect time to put his bed by the window! Who wouldn't want to fall asleep looking at falling stars?! We had a fun night, two nights ago, watching out the window for meteors. George has adapted without any reluctancy, and is enjoying his new spot. He seems to be sleeping better too now. Before, any move he made, or we made, could be felt by the other since our beds were touching. He does still get in the silliest positions, like his face on the floor and but in the air on his bed, but overall, I think he's doing much better there. :) Emilie still goes to sleep on her belly on her on blanket on the floor and then joins us in bed, once she wakes up. It was really hard as her tooth was officially breaking through, but now that the worst is over, she is sleeping like a baby... a very happy one (it really needs to be defined. ;))

I apologize to everyone who visits my blog daily, I really appreciate you checking in and feel your love for our kids and Scott and I. We love you all and thank you. I'm sorry, to my children, that I don't have more posts too! I'm going to make my blog into the diary you are now reading, and know you love the memories and stories... all about you! I'm trying to post at least once a week, ideally at least 2-3 days a week. Life is getting busier and busier though, thus the challenge with writing. George, you always want to play cars, blame the cars. ;) I think Heavenly Father is wanting to give me a challenge to grow, with this busier and busier, but awesome life! Well, I'm trying to go with the flow, and improve everyday. We don't need to be perfect, just moving forward! Love, Mary (mommy)
George reading in our (finally clean) room!
