Blog to Book... and a Cat on my head.

Right now I'm in the process of making my blog into a book. Thanks to some other bloggers out there who have done the same thing and accomplished, I'm using with their book template. They do have automatic converters at some places which switch blogs to books automatically, but only certain blogging sites support this... This lead me to lulu. And apparently, you have way more control when you switch manually (copy and paste post by post)! Yep, it's quite a bit of work, but I find it an awesome pastime. George got a little jealous when I spent more than 10 minutes on it though and he retaliated with his new stuffed animal kitty, by ruffling it in my hair. He was just gifted his new Calico cat today from a friend at church and it's seriously his new BFF and he's been playing with it all day!!! Anyway, during all the chaos I decided to snag some pictures with my computer camera. It turned a chaotic moment into a bonding one, one which was well worth the headache and pulled hair.

Well, it's exciting to get this book going to have a hardcopy to pass down to my kids. We're encouraged to keep a family history and diaries, so I figure this is a great way to go. I've really fallen out of the habit of dairy writing, but with the excitement of posting new pictures with every post, it really keeps me tugging along. And now I have the option of making it a real hard copy book. That's totally equal to a real life, day to day written diary right? Ok, maybe not equal to, but it's pretty darn close! I'd compare the two to fake man-made flowers in a vase alongside a vase full of real blooming flowers. They're pretty darn close when looking from far away, but uncles there's really a big difference! Anyway, I'll post a post of the book and how it turns out! Though it'll be such a shame that the post won't be in the book! I guess I'll just have to make two books then. :)
