Last Touches on the Chicken Coop

We're so close to having this chicken coop and run ready for the chickens! Daddy and George started working on the chicken wire, stapling it on and making sure it's sturdy. It's a third way done now, and I pretty sure it will be finished at the next go-around. George had a blast helping daddy staple on the chicken wire while Emilie and I watched from our seated position on the trailer, acting as paparazzi! It was a little bit dangerous looking, but daddy made sure George was ok helping. Only casualties were a few pinched fingers for George. Daddy got the brunt of the boo boos with the sharp edges of the chicken wire. Seriously, don't do this in shorts and sandals!!! Do like I would... Wearing thick clothing from head to toe, big boots and heavy duty gloves!!! A few scrapes and cuts doesn't deter daddy though, and he'd much rather be wearing his laid-back California guy attire than dying from the heat of jeans and a buttoned up shirt.

The evenings are finally starting to get warm and it was so beautiful to be out watching the boys work away. It was so heavenly out, words can't describe! Daylight savings finally kicking in, along with the warmth and has made it absolutely lovely. Emilie and I basked in the light warmth of the evening sun, while we watched the chicken coop in the process of finishing up.  After the chicken wire, all that will be needed is a door for the chickens to get out into the run, and it'll be done! Exciting :) Now lets hope for a nice Spring time with no more snow. Of course, just for the chicken's sake! ;)
