A Surprise and the "Whys"

PhotoBooth picture, taken after church today.
Okay, the surprise… Emile has her first top teeth and bottom teeth by now, everyone knows; however her next tooth came at a complete surprise to me… It her back left molar! Yes, a molar! Aren’t those suppose to be last??? Well, this one wasn’t last and sleep has been a distant dream *me waving nostalgically*

Emilie has been doing pretty good besides the massive molar… and the cold she just caught from George… and besides she can’t sleep either. She’s very proud of her first steps, but her and “Toddlerhood” had a little bit of an out, so she’s going to take a break from walking!

As for George, he’s crossed to a new phase of life, that Scott and I have gotten quickly over but love at the same time… He’s moved on to the whys… and the “why” of the why’s… and the “why” of the why, of the why’s… and the “WHY?” of the why of the why of the why! … and the, well, you get it. Anyway, I think he’s interested more in how many reasons there are behind a certain reason, and think he’s more curious about that fact than the actual reasons behind the whys. I’ve also determined that, by this fact, Toddlers do not need preschool… or this could be the exact reason parents send them to preschool. Well, we’re excited for this new journey, but just talking about it is stressing me out, so I’ll talk about the weather instead… no, really.

I’m happy to announce that the only damage we had from the hurricane strength gusts was 6 shingles broken, and Scott fixed them with amazing expertise! True, since our roof has 40 degree angle (that the solar panel guys would only go on with rock climbing gear), I had to supervise him the whole time in the cold and in the car with the kids going just a tad bit over insane, but the job got done and Scott did an AMAZING job. Good work, hubby <3

Well, I bid you all a happy Sunday! I am so happy I stuck it out at church (the kids both had bad colds), because I really did need it and God knew I knew it. *sigh*

Now we’re going to watch the Sunday Super Bowl… That’s a sabbath activity, right?
