These past two days have had me in a sort of Bipolar state emotionally, from the point of wanting to pull out all my hair and die and then to where I feel like I'm on cloud 9 and the most blessed mommy in the world. Let's say I've been using my essential oils quite a bit. All at once, there's one baby suddenly making herself known that she's about to die of starvation and a toddler with a poopy diaper that I realized I forgot to change. Do I feed the suddenly hungry baby, or change my toddler with a diaper full of poop threatening a diaper rash? As I weigh my options, of a decision that seems the most important in the world, I conclude a few more minutes of sudden onset starvation will not push Emilie to death, but a diaper rash would be extremely painful for George in the long run. On a positive note, making little decisions like that, make me feel like I conquered something as grand as world peace. Well, actually I did, just not on a world level scale. *wink wink*
I have also come to terms with my long distance friend named "cleaning". Yes, we haven't been the best of friends, but when we're close, ah it's a dream. I'm really not a fan of cleaning, but I do love the results of it!!! After being told by my husband that he really would like the house to stay clean, I've been trying my darnedest to get into a habit of cleaning. I know it seems pretty crazy to suddenly try to be a neat freak with a new addition to the family and finishing up recovery, but quite honestly it's the perfect time. I've been borderlining postpartum blues, and cleaning is actually a great distraction. Sadly though, I'm only keeping up with the own messes I and George are making, but it's start. Now I just need to keep this up for two weeks, and it'll become a habit!!! I'm quite proud, despite my failure to clean anything else besides the messes that build up daily, but I'm hoping I'll get faster and more productive as time goes along. If there's one thing my sister-in-law has taught me (a professional house cleaner), it's to not procrastinate and clean the mess up right away after it's made. It's actually awesome, though the only thing is that I feel like I'm ALWAYS cleaning with this approach, which I actually am, but I suppose that's good! I got an awesome "high" after sweeping the floors when George had pulled me to sit down on them. I wasn't like, "Ew, I don't want to be on this dirty floor!" I was like, "Hm, it's not dirty. Wow it's so clean and nice!" and then I proceeded to play with the football George handed me and we played catch on the floor. Yes, clean is very rewarding. I think I'll make it my new hobby. Though with the bathroom, I'll definitely have to push myself to clean those toilets... *cringes a bit*
Overall, being a mom of a toddler and newborn isn't as hard as I imagined. George and Emile are doing awesome and are the best children in the world to me and I love them so much!!! It's hard to imagine ever going out in public by myself with them, but it'll get easier after a month when I'm permitted to lift heavy objects (and thus can carry Emilie in her carseat... though how can I chase George while doing that... Stroller? Still have to chase. I'll have to leash him!!!). Though the nights can be long when both want milk at the same time, or even when I just have to nurse Emilie, the days areflying. Soon they'll be teenagers, and a whole new bunch of challenges will set in. I'll just try to enjoy the moment and have cleaning be my new nervous tick or vendetta. Really, I hope to make it my new obsession besides my phone and computer! ;)
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