On December 3rd, Scott posted on my Facebook account:
Emilie Elizabeth Cutler opened her eyes (and lungs!) to the world at 11:37 p.m. last night (December 2). She is 5 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. Mary and Emilie are doing well, though Emilie has yet to build up much of an appetite. Both are resting comfortably surrounded by pillows with lots of skin to skin contact.
Julie Christie Scarborough, Katie K Johnston, Carmen Elizabeth Walker and 60 others like this.
Ryan Holyoak So happy for you! Congrats!
Jenni G. She's so tiny and cute!!!!
Derek G. She's beautiful! Congratulations!
Gina G. N. Congratulations!
E. Andrus So cute. Congrats.
Merrie (Aunt Merrie) Congratulations to all of you!!! Good job Mary!!!
Page L. ("Paggie") Aww congrats on your new Blessing to the family
R. Nielsen Congratulations!
Holly I Love You both........congrats!I cant wait to meet her!
V. Sutton Yea! Congratulations! So happy my newest niece came into the world healthy. I can't wait to meet her!
M. Harrison We are very happy for you all! Very pretty little girl.
C. Ludlow Congrats!!! Glad everything went ok
Amara Oliver R. Congratulations, many blessings to your sweet family!!
Katherine Donaldson Congratulations! I guess I didn't miss doula-ing by much! Hope your birth was awesome!
Paul Lewis Hurrah!
"Aunt Autumn" Aww, Mary, so dear. God's blessing on both of you.
J. Hurdsman So precious! Congrats!
Dixie Spence F. Oh congratulations Mary.
Lora B. Yay!!!!!
C. Holyoak Congratulations! She is previous !
K. Nasfell Congratulations!!
Ryan HolyoakC. Holyoak she is current. George is previous.
Kathleen R. Congratulations! ! What a sweet little thing. I love her name. Glad you are both doing well
T. Paulson Tiny little sweetheart
I. Johnston Alright! That is great news!
Lori D. Great News! Congrats! She is precious
Lori D. Kaleb thinks you two are cute
D. Roldan Congratulations to mom and dad. Beautiful baby.
D. D. J. Leafty Beautiful and preciousnavigate
A. Soto COngratulations!!! A new angel in town.
I apologize for not writing sooner, but with a Spinal headache, sleep depravation and a sweet 2 year old to also take care of... lets say I was afraid I was going to start hallucinating because of the sleep deprivation. This past night though, I actually got some sleep, so you can thank hubby for me writing this at the moment!!!!!!!!! Isn't Emilie beautiful?! She did so well being birthed, and she didn't even seem too traumatized coming out of a birth canal. She did so stellar-amazing!
In the photo above, Scott got some computer time as Emilie and I had skin to skin time. Scott also got on my FB account to give the update on Emilie's birth! The birth went so smoothly, despite the hiccups we had during the process. My water broke at 6:30am (like my last birthing) but thankfully it was unmistakable this time! Scott was just heading out the door for work and was going to say family prayer beside the bed with us when my eyes flew and met his and told him my water broke. He didn't believe me at first and thought I was just trying to keep him from going to work! It was suppose to be a big downpour that day too and the night before I kept asking him, "what if I go into labor tomorrow?". Up in the mountains, downpour, and me a So. Cal. driver? Not a good combo. Well, I got to keep him from work. The funny thing was that the night before my water broke, I felt the strong want and need to get through my "Birthing From Within" book, but I had the strong impression that starting right then, I didn't have time to read them. Talk about crazy right?
Emilie didn't make it for my birthday personally and my mothers, both on November 29th, but she successfully made it just in the nick of time (I mean it, 11:37pm) for her great Aunt Karla (her most independent, exploratory aunt, who will go on motor cycle rides with complete strangers, sleep in hostiles in foreign countries by herself, and won't let life get her down! She's awesome.) who was born on December 2nd! Seriously, three days after my birthday though? She sure tried, I have to give Emile credit! That would have been THREE generations on the same birthday, THREE!!! My mother, me and my daughter! Isn't it cool that it was so close though? Lol. I really thought she'd come on my birthday, especially when my mom and I were celebrating at the Tea Cottage with the most beautiful china, amazing tea and scrumptious appetizers!!! I had three contractions while I was there too. It was seriously a beautiful time and we even got a gift from my nana... she left a gift of nature outside the tea cottage for us to take home and which I'm keeping up for display. The tea cottage also gifted us with a tea spoon each. Such a special birthday we had, and Emilie was right there with us too, enjoying the tea and cookies in my tummy <3 <3 <3 I think she enjoyed it as much as my mother and I.
After several days away from George, we were finally able to come home!!! George greeted us excitedly with Grandma Cutler, and they had made a beautiful welcome home gift/decorations for Emilie. She is so loved, and George is such a good Big Brother!!! He loves giving Emilie kisses and because we picked and knew her name before she was born, he can say it very well! I thank our friends also for watching him, his first night away from mommy and daddy! George only goes to sleep nursing, so it was very difficult for him as well as them! They were so thankful Scott's mom got here when she did too, because they were so exhausted and were dreading the second night!!!! Since I and Emilie are opposite blood types, and because of my blood type, there was cause for caution so they wouldn't realease us as soon as we liked, though it ended up working well, because I got the help I needed for breast feeding. Apparently, feeding a newborn in way different than a toddler who knows what to do!
We've been taking it as easy as possible and are doing pretty well. George is getting good one on one time, though it's a bit hard on him that he's now "sharing" the milk, and Emilie gets first dibs all the time and gets to "share mommy". It's a bit emotionally hard, I've come to terms with, but I guess that's just how life is. It isn't all butterflies and rainbows. It's okay when theres trials, and theres suppose to be trials and issues we have to work with and struggle through. I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father who is there for me and helping me through the toughies too. My husband has been so loving and supportive too, and is the greatest, kindest man that I know. I'm so thankful for my husband! He is my knight in shining armor <3 It brings tears to my eyes how kind, sensitive and loving he is. I hope Emilie finds herself a good man like her daddy, because honestly, I don't think there are many of them out there who speak Venetian, love the Lord our Savior, and who treats a woman like a daughter of God she is. He is a Prince and such a strong, handsome, sweet and kind man, I'll shout it to the world! Thank you Scott for being supportive of me choosing to get the epidural too! It was really really nice, and thanks to that, I think we can have more kids! ;) After going to Mary Birch, I feel more confident about giving birth again in the future, if we're blessed with more children and God thinks it's best. He blessed us with a safe delivery, and a good hospital to go to. I'm very thankful things turned out so well. Now, it's back to life and the journey of parenthood! My number one responsibility!
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