Apparently, being the mom of two is much more emotionally taxing than I thought. There's a lot of great moments, those priceless ones where the whole world feels right and perfect, but there's also a lot of trying ones as well. They say pregnant woman cry, but they cry over nothing if they're having crying spells (I did in my last few weeks of pregnancy). Crying over stress is a whole different league of crying. Perhaps that's why they mostly fun of pregnant women crying, because it's actually funny (if your not the pregnant woman). For stressed moms, I guess you could see humor in everyday stresses and horrors, like your toddler flipping over the bouncer and the newborn landing flat on her face, but in the heat of the moment generally, those things aren't very funny... even when the toddler thinks they are, with a grin plastered on his face.
On a positive note, besides intentional or not sibling rivalry, George and Emilie are doing great. Emilie is such a little charmer and smiles more than any baby I've seen. In less than two weeks, she smiled more than George's whole newborn life! I didn't know a baby could smile so much. Despite all this though, this sweet little Princess has the most amazing scream and wail when she's upset and not liking something. I guess we get the extremes of both spectrums. One could argue it's because she's a girl that she displays so much extremes so perfectly, but who knows. Maybe it's just her personality. If she's really not happy, she'll tell you! If she's happy, she'll be the most content baby in the world and looks so peaceful and beautiful. The pale pink rose, fluffy swaddle we have her in too, really makes her look like a Princess.
George has been doing good and has been doing better at playing by himself for about half an hour at a time, and loves playing with his toy cars and rolling them everywhere. In addition to doing well with playing solo, he's also learned how to make calls to Nana and Daddy, with their picture icons he found on the home screen on my phone! He must have called Scott five times at work, and getting through twice before I could take the phone away. He also called Nana once, but I got it just in the nick of time. Indeed, he's very smart like his daddy. And boy, is he getting good at talking on the phone, and he loves it too :)
There has been some division between George and Emilie, but I realized yesterday that I was the one potentially causing it. I've been playing a wall between him and Emilie to save George from the hurt of not being the only child anymore. I was actually doing more harm than good, and George was feeling it I think which was making the division worse (opposite of helping). Now I'm trying to have them do things together, and when we do family things, we do them all together. So far the outcome has been positive on all sides, and I'm glad I realized what was happening when I did! Though there's still bound to be stress, I'm sure it'll improve with including all together, and having each some separate one on one time with me as well. Being a homemaker and mother really is a full time job!
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