Flats are here! ...Unexpected benefits!

Ok, so the Diaper Rite Bamboo Flats have arrived, and we're excited! Not only are they awesome and super absorbent, but they're helping move George's potty training along (we may not need to get four packs of these after all). I didn't think that talk on the web, about cloth helping kids potty train earlier, was true! Apparently it is helping... Yesterday morning, after George's fourth diaper he declared with shock, "Mama, I need to go potty!". I helped him to his training potty and took off the diaper to find it tinged with wetness, then he proceeded to unload the rest of his bladder. I was so proud of him! George's been potty trained before with the "3 Day potty training" but fell into a relapse with lots of #1 accidents so we went back to disposables. He's been #2 trained since that three day training though, so it wasn't all in vain! Anyway, with these diapers, I won't have to worry about accidents around the house once he's 100% trained and they'll be a good training help till then too!

Going out yesterday, George survived a whole day out of the house in his new cloth diapers. I was so proud of him, but his tantrums prove to be way more potent when he's wet! In long car rides, disposables might be a good option to go with (waking up wet, strapped down and immobile in a car seat is never fun, especially with hour plus car rides each way). George so far has said that the diapers are "cozy" with a big smile, so I'm pretty happy with them overall though, and they absorb his biggest soakers too.

Since 12 Bamboo flats aren't enough for full time diapering, we stopped at Target while in the city and got 12 Flour Sack Towels (100% cotton) in the kitchen towel section of Target. They sell for $3.99 for four. We would have gotten more Bamboo Flats, but apparently Cloth Diapering isn't that "in" and not sold in stores (besides Gerber Flats, which give the  cloth diapering community as a whole a bad name. I was repeatedly told by anyone with presence on the web who cloth diapered to stay away from them!). After searching about buying Cloth Diapers locally, I found dirtydiaperlaundry's blogpost: Find Cloth Diapers Local: Get Everything You Need In Your Town, and found out that Flour Sack cloths were an option. After reading one happy review of them I thought we'd give those a try ($2 cheeper a piece than the Bamboo Flats too, not as soft, but we'll see). Today though is Sunday, a day of rest and to honor God though, so we'll be putting cloth diapering aside and going disposables today. Not having to worry about you son having a wet diaper every hour or so (George seriously soaks his diaper that much), is an awesome rest for one day of the week. I love cloth diapering, don't get me wrong, but one day a week will save a little water, time and energy. Happy Sabbath everyone <3
