Getting hot out & a possible future 3 day potty training

​Our first heat wave in the high 80's and the AC kicks on. No longer is our house set up with four heaters on, going at once, but now they're all put away and replaced with cranked up cool air! Despite how hot out it's been,Scott decided to go ahead with the weed wiping on Saturday. The kids loved watching him fill the weed wiper up with gas and then tare the weeds to shreds! On the back porch though, watching daddy wasn't enough and the kids thought it was time to turn on the spigot. George kept loving to turn it on full blast, and ended up soaking his shirt, forcing us to leave it outside to dry. Emilie loved drinking from the spigot and was so happy with her dreams coming true. She wasn't too happy when George decided it was his turn (as you can see from the lip in the photo above). After George was drenched and had managed to get Emilie and I with some sprays (by putting his hand right up against the spigot), we decided headed inside for a bubble bath and wound down the evening.

On another note, all may be surprised that Emilie is now ready to be potty trained at 18 months old! After a bath time, she refused to get on her diaper and kept pointing at the potty. I set her on the potty seat, and whamo, she peed! I couldn't believe my eyes. George and I did a potty victory dance song and she giggled and clapped along. Before all this however, she had been copying her role model, George, by putting up the seats and lifting her shirt, standing by the potty. It was so cute, but I'm afraid her copying boy style isn't going to get her very far in success. George being potty trained though, makes her want to go potty too. She will copy him doing whatever! Wither it's banging her head, screaming (oh gosh, that hurts!), running in circles, pulling pots and pans out from under the sink, plumbing and/or cleaning the potty and drenching the floor, or well, I guess anything. Anyway, thank you George, Emilie is now ready to potty train, even though she can't even say "potty"... well, at least she can say "pee pee". We'll work with that ;)
