Potty Training Kickstart tomorrow!

The pictures above don't really go well with potty training, but I found them on my phone from our last trip to the playground. I just had to add them! I suppose potty training is a family event, and that daddy and George will be excited that she'll be potty training, so these picture could go with the topic. Well, this evening Emilie went pee in the potty twice! She's also dragged me to the potty countless times to sit by her as she goes to sit on it. She's also said the word "potty" for the first time too! I have no idea if a three day kick off will work with her, or if she is truly ready, but we'll get an accurate idea tomorrow on day one (it's pretty obvious on day one wither they're ready or not). If it goes well, then we'll continue and she'll be well on her way! If not, well, we'll try again in the future! I really worry she's too young (though Fellom's 3 day method works for as young as 15 months old), however she's showing all the signs that she's ready! If she's truly ready and I don't take advantage of this time, who knows when the next window of opportunity will be. She's actually interested in the potty! She brings mommy and daddy a diaper if she has a pooper! She mimics George going on the potty! She's totally ready... Am I ready for this though? I don't know. Well see about that too. :)

Website that encouraged me to take the leap: http://www.yourmodernfamily.com/potty-training-in-three-days-2/
BabyCenter's main explanation of 3 day potty training: http://www.babycenter.com/0_potty-training-in-three-days-or-less_10310078.bc?page=2
