A new dog house! Light loss and S.A.D.

Oh the things you can find at AMVETS! A $110 dog house for just $15, like new (… besides the spiders). We had to disassemble it to fit it in the Prius (thank you mom), but we were able to get it home alright. Today, George helped me assemble it back together after a little figuring out (I hope we don’t need that extra screw…)! Lucky didn’t take to it right away, but George and Emilie had a blast and crawled into it right away! After George and Emilie got their fill (I can’t believe Emilie got in it all by herself!), Lucky wandered in for a look. I think it will make a great winter dog house. :)

Speaking of winter, the changing daylight of fall has taken a toll on me. Living in the mountains with a mountain rise where the sun sets, gives us an hour or two less sunlight. In the Summer, the sun sets between peeks with it’s trajectory. In the winter though, it’s trajectory hits the tallest part of the mountain, cutting us off from the sun drastically (we live in a bowl, so the sun rises later too). As I was fighting depressed feelings this evening, it hit me that the cause was the earlier setting sun (for most people, the change is so slow with a flat horizon, but with a steep mountain, the change is more drastic), and on the phone expressing my feelings, my mom was telling me I was suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Oh, yeay. Well, at least I know what I’m dealing with. Anyway, it’s going to get worse. Hubby told me that daylight “savings” will be this Sunday. Instead of a 5pm setting, it will now be 4pm… Oh, and now instead of waking up in the dark before the Sun rises at around 7am, my kids will now be getting up at 6am thanks to this governments day light “savings”. Are my negative feelings seeping through the computer screen?

Update: Apparently daylight savings is "ending"... I'm still upset.
